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Paddle Boarding in San Diego – The Best Places to Go

Paddle Boarding San Diego


San Diego has it all. A vibrant downtown, sun, palm trees, sandy beaches, the list goes on. Another thing San Diego has going for it is its stand up paddle boarding scene. If you’re a local who’s considering giving paddle boarding a try, or a seasoned paddler who is going to be in town visiting, there are a few places you absolutely should check out.

Paddle boarding in San Diego

La Jolla Cove. A protected marine reserve, La Jolla Cove provides an opportunity to interact with wildlife like no other. Paddle right over leopard sharks, next to sea otters, and through sea caves as you follow the popular kayak route through the Cove. More advanced paddlers may want to catch a wave or two, as well. The Cove offers stunning, dramatic scenery that can make you forget you’re in the city, making this a great place to escape to.

North Beach. There’s no denying that dogs love water and can make great SUP companions– when they’re well-trained, anyway. Unfortunately, many beaches around San Diego do not allow pets, so for the most part, Fido is out of luck when it comes to paddling adventures. That is, unless you’re going to North Beach, affectionately referred to by locals as Dog Beach. Offering rugged and rocky scenery and dog-friendly conditions, this is the perfect place for you and your pooch to hit the water.

Tourmaline State Park. If surf SUP is on your radar, you need to check out Tourmaline State Park. This surf-friendly destination is located right where Tourmaline street ends, and it’s not so much of a park as it is a parking lot with a staircase leading down to the beach area. It’s the perfect place to catch a few waves, and since it’s a dedicated surfing beach, you don’t have to worry about dodging swimmers.

Lake San Marcos. This man-made lake was created after the damming of San Marcos Creek in 1946. It’s located in the North Country region of the metro area, but it’s worth the trek out of the city. Lake San Marcos is the only lake in the San Diego region to allow paddle boarding because it’s the only lake around with calm enough waters. If you’re looking to get an inland lake SUP experience on calm waters, you need to check this place out.

Mission Bay. Those looking for the most “San Diego” paddle boarding experience they can find should head to Mission Bay. This popular SUP destination is conveniently located right outside of downtown and offers calm waters that are perfect for your basic paddle, or even some SUP yoga.

Coronado Tidelands Park. If you want a picturesque backdrop that offers views of the city’s skyline, you need to see Tidelands Park. Known for its calm, flat waters, Tidelands Park is located just outside of San Diego proper. Its distance from the city allows you to take in the complete skyline, as well as the Coronado Bridge.

Final thoughts

With so many places to SUP, you’d better get out there and start seeing them. Hopefully, San Diego will make your list.


What started out as a simple “Sure, I’ll try paddle boarding” has turned into a real love of being on the water every chance I can find. Paddling Pursuits is where I intend to share information not only on paddle boarding, but also kayaking and every other fun paddling water sport that I have had a chance to try. Stay tuned!

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