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Stand Up Paddle Board Yoga Basics

SUP Yoga Basics


If you’re looking for a way to take your yoga practice to the next level, consider stand up paddle board yoga. Combining the sports of paddle boarding and yoga, SUP yoga involves doing your yoga routine right on your paddle board.

SUP yoga is a challenge, to be sure, but it can also be hugely beneficial to your yoga practice. It pushes you to perfect your poses because the board will quickly expose any kind of imbalance. It gets your heart pumping, both from the workout and from the adrenaline of not falling off the board. It allows you to see different scenery than a normal yoga studio, allowing you to better connect with nature and get in tune with your body. And it’s a lot harder than your standard yoga, so practicing on the board can earn you benefits on the mat.

Extra gear needed for stand up paddle board yoga

If you’ve been paddle boarding for a bit, you’ve probably got most of the basic gear you need– a paddle board, paddle, leash, and personal floatation device. And if you haven’t, consider a beginner-friendly kit such as Roc’s Inflatable Board and Accessories bundle.

In addition to the basics, you may also want an anchor. This will help keep your board from drifting too far as you practice your yoga. AIRHEAD’s SUP Anchor kit is an inexpensive anchor to get you started. It attaches to one side of your board, and you simply drop it in the water when you’re ready to anchor down.

Tips for getting started

If you want to get started with SUP yoga, here are a few tips to help.

● Check the weather forecast. Any kind of wind or bad weather that could create waves should be avoided. When it comes to SUP yoga, you want calm waters and clear skies.

● Find an area away from boaters. A boat’s wake can send you toppling. If you can, try to find a spot away from the path of motorboats. Kayaks and canoes aren’t as much of an issue.

● Try simple poses first. Doing a headstand on your board may be the ultimate goal, but it probably isn’t the first thing you should try. We’ll go over some of the best poses to get you started shortly.

● Wear your paddle leash. It may seem like it could interfere with your movement, but you don’t want to lose your board if you fall. Your leash will keep the board right by your side so you can easily pick back up and try again.

● Don’t be afraid of falling. Falling on your board is inevitable, even when you aren’t practicing yoga. Paddling requires a great deal of balance to begin with, and when you add yoga to the mix, there’s bound to be some falling. So long as you have your lifejacket and paddle leash in place, try and embrace the plunge.

Yoga poses to try on your paddle board

Here are a few beginner-friendly poses to try until you’re ready to take on more challenging poses.

● Downward dog

● Plank

● Warrior 2

● Boat pose

● Savasana

Final thought

SUP yoga is a fun and challenging way to push yourself further in your yoga practice while enjoying the benefits of nature. Enjoy!


What started out as a simple “Sure, I’ll try paddle boarding” has turned into a real love of being on the water every chance I can find. Paddling Pursuits is where I intend to share information not only on paddle boarding, but also kayaking and every other fun paddling water sport that I have had a chance to try. Stay tuned!

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